

From simple to advanced forms we have your needs covered. A rich set of components lets you modify and customise our forms to your needs. Creating category groups allows you to slice and dice the data to your hearts content.

Predefined task lista can be associated with a form allowing you to standardise tasks associated with form entries ensuring consistent handling of case work.


Create rich Questionnaires spanning a large selection of controls with easy control of the layout of the questionnaire. Schedule one-off or periodic questionnaires for every kind of activity from maintenance to HR questionnaires. An easy reporting system lets you summarise and report on the results.


Integrate your custom forms into your own intranet or external web pages to collect information that can be handled in our workflow processes. Use a predefined style for the form or customise it as desired.

Send out questionnaires to your employees or external users/customers and track it all in the same tool.